Forms: General

Form controls: Wrap form controls in a .control container

Form fields: Wrap label/input/help text/button in a .field container

Descriptive help text for the input element.

Descriptive help text for the input element.

Form addon: button

Form addon: static button

Form addon: select and button

Form addon: select and button with expanded input

Form addon: button with expanded select

Centered form addon: select and button

Right-aligned form addon: select and button

Form group

Centered form group

Right-aligned form group

Form group with expaned input

Form group with multiple lines

Alternatively use the .buttons class to create a multiline list of buttons (see "Elements - Button")

Horizontal form

Vertical alignment for different label and input sizes

Small label and input

Normal label and input

Medium label and input

Large label and input

Disabled form

Descriptive help text for the input element.

Descriptive help text for the input element.